Business Services Department
Business Office Mission Statement
The primary focus of the Business Office is to support the school's mission by providing the school community with consistent superior customer service, fiscal accountability, timely reporting, honest and ethical business practices and sound financial policies that effectively manage tax dollars and promote long-term fiscal stability.
Our goal is to provide effective management of Fiscal Services, including the timely and accurate processing and distribution of Payroll, Accounts Payable, Purchasing and Accounts Receivable for our internal and external customers.
We manage the annual external audit process and Financial Statement and Budget Reporting to the Board, District, County, State and Federal administrations.
We are committed to the management of the resources provided to Steele Canyon Charter High School, to ensure our financial condition can support this generation of students and those generations to come.
Business Office Team
Chief Business Officer
Adria Jefferson
Manager of Human Resources
Penni Cody
Payroll Technician
Heather Peltier
Accounting Technician
Diana Enriques
Finance Technician (ASB)
Lauren Ritchey-Moyer
Compliance Reporting & Information
Fiscal Year 2024-2025
2024-2025 Education Protection Account (EPA) Planned Expenditures
2024-2025 EPA Actuals
Proposition 28 Arts Education Funding
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
2023-2024 Education Protection Account (EPA) Planned Expenditures
2023-2024 Education Protection Account (EPA) Final Actual Revenue and Expenses
2023-2024 EPA Board Resolution
Proposition 28 Arts Education Funding
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
2022-2023 Education Protection Account (EPA) Planned Expenditures
Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Board Approved LCAP
Board Approved ESSER III Expenditure Plan
2021-2022 EPA Planned Expenditures
Business Office Forms & Policies
Purchasing Policy and Procedures​
How To Purchase Amazon via Aptafund
Professional Development Request Form
Mileage Reimbursement Expense Claim Form
W4 - Federal Employee Withholding Change Form
DE4 - State Employee Withholding Change Form