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Say Something Anonymous Reporting



Click HERE to report something online.


Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows you to submit secure & anonymous safety concerns to help identify and intervene upon at-risk individuals BEFORE they hurt themselves or others. You can do this by reporting observed threats, behaviors, actions and harassment. Here is an example of some of the most common behaviors and incidents to report:


» Assault

» Abuse (physical, verbal)

» Bullying or regular intimidation

» Bragging about an upcoming planned attack

» Depression, anxiety or loss of self-control

» Fighting

» Gun Violence / Violence

» Harassment

» Hopelessness, excessive guilt or worthlessness

» Reckless behavior

» Social isolation or withdrawal

» Substance abuse

» Suicide threats, cutting or other self-harm

» Theft

» Threats

» Weapons (use of and/or discussion about)



Click HERE to report something online.

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