Take care of yourself. Take care of each other. Take care of this place.
Be prepared. Be engaged. Be accountable. Be appropriate.
Non-Negotiables--our staff is committed to:
Mentor through connections with students to develop the whole child
Teach all students using differentiated awareness and strategies to foster creativity, innovation, and resiliency
Work continuously on and contribute to school-wide collaboration with a focus on common assessment and common curriculum
Design and implement relevant, rigorous curricula through the use of research-based teaching and learning strategies
Analyze data and reflect on results to implement continuous improvement
Participate in collaborative school-wide governance and leadership opportunities
Maintain small, collaborative learning environments for both staff and students
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
A Steele Canyon student will be an Effective Communicator
Receiving information and constructing meaning through reading, listening, writing, and viewing skills
Using verbal and non verbal techniques to communicate effectively
Exchanging and processing information when collaboratingExpressing ideas visually and physically
A Steele Canyon student will be an Adept Learner
Commanding a core body of knowledge as required by the state academic standards
Effectively accessing a variety of resources to interpret, synthesize, and analyze information
Organizing ideas in a logical manner
Possessing skills to be an independent learner
A Steele Canyon student will be a Complex Thinker and Problem Solver
Being able to connect, apply, and appraise their learning in terms of educational and personal goals
Being proficient in mathematical reasoning and numeracy
Creating and critically analyzing multiple solutions to complex scenarios
A Steele Canyon student will be Technologically Proficient for the 21st Century
Accessing, evaluating, and applying information from various electronic resources
Incorporating technological skills into products and presentations
Enhancing communication of knowledge through appropriate choice of technology
A Steele Canyon student will be a Contributing Member of His/Her Community
Participating in service to others
Being exposed to cultural, academic, and linguistic diversity through inclusive education
Fostering awareness of school core values
Participating in extra and co-curricular activities
Charter Goals
Systems of support for students
We will develop, implement, enhance, and evaluate research based programs and services to meet the academic/social/emotional needs of all students.
Identify struggling students and enroll them in concurrent support classes.
Utilize a professional development plan that will provide teachers with education on cutting edge 21st century pedagogical strategies and best practices
Ensure the master schedule and course offerings meet the needs of all students and are aligned with the mission and vision of the school
Collect, analyze, and disaggregate data for the purpose of driving schoolwide decisions.
Implement programs to promote positive behavior
Teach and model the school mission statement, values, and expectations
Academic programs
We will develop, implement, enhance, and evaluate diverse educational programs to develop the whole child through access to rigorous and relevant courses and opportunities aligned with their personal skills, interests, and knowledge for college and career readiness.
Implement Common Core ELA and/or math teaching standards school-wide.
Implement a collaborative observation plan to learn best teaching practices from each other and enhance accountability.
Increase college & career readiness opportunities for all students.
Continually look to enhance current and establish new Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways.
Continue to enhance the Cougar Explorations enrichment program.
Community partnerships and funding
We will establish community partnerships to provide educational and financial opportunities for Steele Canyon students.
Increase parent participation, community outreach and public relation efforts
Seek grants that will facilitate funding that meet the diverse needs of all Steele Canyon students.
We will utilize and develop systems and structures to increase effective communication amongst all stakeholders.
Utilize technology resources to regularly communicate school information to parents, students, community and staff.
Provide professional development for all staff that promotes team building, discourse and cooperation.
Continue to utilize collaborative subject area and vertical team meetings to create common, innovative, and rigorous curriculum for all students.
Facilities and infrastructure
We will develop a plan to maximize and enhance the use of facilities and actively use technology to develop 21st century skills within a safe and secure digital environment.
Create a long term technology plan
Continue to raise money for the purpose of building a stadium on campus.
Ensure that all facilities provide a safe place for students to learn and staff to work.
Upgrade our Learning Management System (LMS) to provide students with opportunities for online and blended learning.