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9th Grade:  Course Descriptions

  • Humanities/English:  Humanities 1C is a basic introductory course for ninth grade students. It combines English and social studies so that teachers and students can work together to examine selected topics of importance. Basic communication skills such as language, composition, spelling, reading, and library/study skills will be emphasized. Students will be introduced to different forms of literature such as narrative poetry, the short story, and essays. Students are also introduced to social science skills that combine concepts and practical application. Emphasis in all areas of learning is placed on subject matter fundamentals and development of study skills through the problem‑solving approach to learning. This course meets the University of California “b” English and “g” elective requirements.

  • Humanities/Geography Website




10th Grade:  Course Descriptions

  • Humanities/English

  • Honors English

  • World Studies/English




11th Grade:  Course Descriptions

  • American Studies--US History

  • American Studies--English




12th Grade

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