SCHS Foundation
Dedicated to our students--past, present, and future
Who: Parents, Community Members, Alumni, and Staff
Our Foundation’s Mission
The Steele Canyon High School Foundation promotes the growth and improvement of scholarships and programs for students. We are dedicated to SCHS students - past, present and future to participate - to be active and loyal members by promoting traditions, supporting activities
Be a part -- Introducing the Steele Canyon Foundation
Ensuring a quality education for all Steele Canyon students requires the commitment of all segments of the school population, including parents, business leaders, and from the entire community at large. Hence, this Foundation provides members of our community the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the education of our youth as well as their allegiance to the greater good of the Steele Canyon High School Community.
SCHS is a non-profit group and the Alumni Association is an affiliate. 2017 is our 10th anniversary as a Charter High School - our goal is to connect with alumni and to encourage interaction between alumni, students, staff and others who care about SCHS in building Cougar Pride for generations past, present, and future.
Where does money raised go?
Scholarships and to supplement school programs i.e. Money donation towards new band uniforms. Money is approved based on the requirements stated in scholarship applications, agenda item/approval by members.